jueves, agosto 09, 2007

8 de agosto

Tant ahir com avui, en arribar a casa i mentre recullo algunes coses, o trec la roba del penjador i em dutxo he posat el Supremes Supremes A' Go-Go. Es un LP excel·lent i impecable. La interpretació de I Can't Help Myself (Sugar Pie Honey Bunch) no puc escoltar-la només una vegada.

Fa uns mesos, ara menys, tenia la sensació angoixant de que tot se m’escapava, el temps, les persones, tot s’esvaïa i jo o arribava massa tard o massa aviat. Anava d’un extrem a un altre i jo desitjava amb tota la força que m’era possible trobar una normalitat que permeti descansar el cap de setmana. Ara ho penso i em sembla aquestes coses no es desitgen, han de venir.


Yo: Cuando alejarme es la forma...
Ella: Pero no te alejes mucho

Tight Connection to My Heart
(Has Anybody Seen My Love)

Well, I had to move fast
And I couldn't with you around my neck.
I said I'd send for you and I did
What did you expect?
My hands are sweating
And we haven't even started yet.
I'll go along with the charade
Until I can think my way out.
I know it was all a big joke
Whatever it was about.
Someday maybe
I'll remember to forget.

I'm gonna get my coat,
I feel the breath of a storm.
There's something I've got to do tonight,
You go inside and stay warm.


Wanna tell you I don't love you
Tell you that we're through
And I've tried
But everytime I see your face
I get up all choked up inside
Sugar pie honey bunch
You now that I'm weak for you
I can't help myself
I love you and nobody else


So twiddledeedee twiddleddedum
Look out baby
'Cause here I come